


Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training or research. Education also includes informal transmission of information from one human being to

another through a set of instructions to educate about the society, surroundings, environment, etc,.

School Education

To achieve the objective of “The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009”, the Telangana Government ensuring the quality education to all children, maintaining gender parity in school enrolment, increasing the overall enrolment & retention and also taking various initiatives for universalization of elementary education like strengthening of existing schools, opening of new primary schools, and other type of educational facilities in remote and reserved habitations, in the State.

Higher Education

The state is the home to several institutes, which impart higher education. The higher education institutes include colleges, universities and research institutes that provide professional education in the fields of arts, humanities, science, engineering, law, medicine, pharmacy, Veterinary sciences, Business Administration, etc., in under graduate as well as Post-Graduation. The lakhs of professional scholars produced in the state by these universities every year, give direction to the state in transforming its objectives into reality.

Welfare Hostels & Residential Schools

Government has been taking numerous welfare measures to impart free and quality education to all Children, irrespective of backgrounds, by establishing residential schools and hostels in the State Hostels equipped with the modern state of the art infrastructural facilities and academic facilities to enable the students to excel in the academics by providing amenities like special furniture, Computer lab, CC Cameras, Health Command Centre, Uniforms, Bedding Material, Diet, Cosmetics, Almarahs, Dining Tables and Benches Two Tire Cots, Steam Cooking equipment & Dual Desks.


There are 715 Primary Schools, 181 Upper Primary Schools, 349 High Schools and 33 Higher Secondary Schools functioning in Suryapet District during the year 2020 -21.

Teacher-Pupil Ratio

  • 35159 Enrolment & 1729 Teachers in Primary Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:20
  • 15956 Enrolment & 1253 Teachers in Upper Primary Schools &Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:13
  • 69535 Enrolment & 4332 Teachers in High Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:16
  • 15239 Enrolment & 534 Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools& Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:29
  • 135889 Total Enrolment & 7848 Total Teachers working in all schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:17
  • 25 Residential Schools / Colleges for SC, ST, BC, Minorities and others are working with the enrolment of 13484 students and working teachers 535 and Non-Teaching Staff of 245. Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:2 5






Common Diet MENU 2025