
Land Acquisition Notification for Bothalapalem,Gundeboinagudem,Gundlapahad,Janpahad& Komatikunta Villages of Palakaveedu(M)

Land Acquisition Notification for Bothalapalem,Gundeboinagudem,Gundlapahad,Janpahad& Komatikunta Villages of Palakaveedu(M)
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Land Acquisition Notification for Bothalapalem,Gundeboinagudem,Gundlapahad,Janpahad& Komatikunta Villages of Palakaveedu(M)

Land Acquisition Notification for Bothalapalem,Gundeboinagudem,Gundlapahad,Janpahad& Komatikunta Villages of Palakaveedu(M)

14/06/2024 14/06/2027 View (7 MB) JLIS Komatikunta (7 MB) JLIS Janpahad (3 MB) JLIS Gundlapahad (3 MB) JLIS Gudeboinagudem (2 MB)